Public Records Request

The public records policy of the Mississippi Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC Board) has been adopted in accordance with the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 (Public Records Act) [Sections 25-61-1, et. seq.].

A request for information under the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 shall be submitted in writing to the LPC Board. These requests can be sent to or delivered to Suite 402, Robert E. Lee Building, 239 North Lamar Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39201.

All requests for information should be marked “Request for Public Documents” and shall describe in detail the documents sought. The written request must be typed or clearly hand printed on a letter size piece of paper and shall specify in detail the public record sought. The request should include, if possible, a description of the type of record, title of publication, and other information, which may aid in the locating of the record. The written request must specify the purpose for obtaining the record that the individual requesting the record proposes to do with the record and shall provide the name, address, and home and office telephone number of the applicant.

If the information is appropriate for release, information requested will be provided within seven (7) working days. If the requested information cannot be provided within seven (7) working days, the person requesting the information will be notified in writing of the approximate date of availability, which shall not exceed fourteen (14) working days.

If the request for information is denied, the person requesting the information will be notified of the reason of the denial.

Please Note: If the Executive Director determines the records requested are exempt or privileged under the law, he/she/they shall deny the request and shall send the person making the request a statement of specific reasons for the denial. Complaint investigation files are not considered public records.


No request for information shall be granted until the fees have been received by the agency. Cost of reproduction of the requested information will be provided to the person making the request. The fees charged will be according to the following schedule:

  1. One Dollar ($1.00) per page for each copy.
  2. Mailing cost shall be calculated at the applicable rate for each such mailing. If request involves notice to be given to a third party, the cost of mailing such notice via certified mail return receipt requested shall be charged to the person requesting such public records.
  3. Cost of obtaining records from state storage facilities and the search for it shall be charged to the applicant.
  4. Other material – cost determinant upon materials.
  5. Records search – clerical, technical or professional, $20.00 per hour. Fees will be charged for records searches even when the requested information cannot be found.

To make a request, please see the following Public Records Request Form: Public Records Request Form