Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Mississippi State Board of Examiners
for Licensed Professional Counselors 

License Info: 



LPC by Comity

LPC by Universal


Fee Schedule

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) is a person who has met pre-application requirements and is approved to practice counseling without supervision.

Pre-Application Requirements:

  1. Master’s degree in Counseling, 60 semester-hours or 90 quarter-hours master’s degree in Counseling or degree program with the word counseling in the title, OR doctoral or educational specialist degree primarily in a counseling, guidance,
    or related field, which meets similar standards as specified in .2.C Rules and Regs.
  2. Completion of Supervised Experience Hours (4.3 Rules and Regs)
  3. Passing Score on either the National Counselor Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Exam (NCMHCE).

Are you ready to apply for LPC?  Refer to details below #6. Apply for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

1. Manage Your License Profile

When logged into your Profile you can:

  • Update your contact information
  • Change your Profile picture (upload instructions)
  • Review license status
  • Order replacement certificates when damaged, lost, or name changed If you need a replacement certificate due to name change or damaged or lost certificate, you may request replacement of your MS Professional Counselor License through the Online Payment tab in your profile. There is a $30 fee for replacement wall certificate.
  • Order verification of license to be sent to other entities If you are a MS P-LPC or LPC or have been in the past, you may request verification of your MS Professional Counselor License through the Online Payment tab in your profile. There is a $25 fee for the verification to be sent to another state licensing Board.
  • Request License File Transfer to Other Jurisdiction
  • Renew your license
  • Check CEH and Submit CEH
  • Make secure online payments

Login to your Profile by clicking here.

2. Renew License

 LPC and LPC-S are renewed every two years (biennially). License renewal reminders are emailed in May of your renewal year. Please be aware, however, that failure to receive this notification does not relinquish your responsibility for timely renewal.

Renewal Application, any supporting documents, and payment must be received to the LPC Board office PRIOR to June 30th of your renewal year to remain Active Status and to avoid reapplication fees. This is an online process. You are required to submit the online Renewal no later than midnight on the date the license is scheduled to expire.

Renewal will be processed when Renewal Application, Continuing Education Hours total from CE Broker account, and renewal fee(s) are received; however, if a background check is required, the Renewal is contingent upon the receipt of a clear background check by September 30, of your renewal year. If not received by that date, license status will revert to Lapsed, and you will not be licensed to practice in Mississippi.

LPCs will report their current totals of continuing education hours from their CE Broker account in their MS Board LPC Profile during the renewal period of May 1 – June 30. 

Renewal Fees

The Mississippi Jurisprudence Examination is required with each renewal.

Licensed Professional Counselor –  Supervisors (LPC-S) will also need to complete the Supervisee Update Form for each Supervisee before renewal status will be updated.

TO RENEW:  Please print the following instructions for your reference as you continue the online renewal process.  When ready to renew, answer the question below:

Detailed instructions will be available here once renewals are open in May. 



 Steps to Successful Renewal

  1. Login to your Profile.
  2. Ensure profile photo is a current passport style photo that is a head shot with a clear image of your face with a white background. The photo should be composed of only your shoulders and head, should be high resolution and should be in focus.
  3. Review and update your contact information on the General Registration tab in your Profile.
  4. Submit the required CE hours totals from your CE Broker account by clicking the CEH Reporting tab in your Profile. 
  5. The no fail Mississippi Jurisprudence exam will be available from CCE Academy at You will need to choose the LPC examination unless you are an LPC-S, then select the LPC-S examination. LPC will receive three (3) hours of ethics for Mississippi renewal. Submit the certificate of completion of the Mississippi Jurisprudence exam by clicking the CEH Reporting Tab in your Profile and selecting the Jurisprudence Exam for “activity type.” The appropriate number of ethics hours will be calculated. The “no fail” Mississippi Jurisprudence exam is designed with a pool of questions in which you must answer a minimum of thirty (thirty-five if you are an LPC-S) correctly. You cannot fail this exam. You will keep getting questions until you get the designated number correct. The examination is required with each renewal.

    Steps to Access and Complete the Mississippi Jurisprudence
    Step 1. Go to
    Step 2. Click on Register
    Step 3. Once registered, click on State Assessments, select Mississippi in the drop down.
    Step 4. Select either the LPC or LPC-S
    Step 5. Go to Cart and purchase your assessment
    Step 6. Go back to Mississippi Jurisprudence to begin your assessment
    Step 7. Once you complete the assessment, your certificate will be emailed to you It will also be stored in your Account.

    6.  Complete Renewal Application by clicking the RENEW LICENSE button

If you are an LPC, AFTER you have entered and met the CEH requirements and uploaded your photo, the Renew License button will appear. When you click the Renew License button, you will be taken to the Renewal Application. The LPC Renewal Application includes additional profile questions along with Personal and Licensure History questions.

If you are an LPC-S, you are required to complete a Status Update on Supervisees seen since the last renewal as a requirement of renewal before the Renew License button will appear.

7.  Complete Background Check (if applicable)

The Board requires a fingerprint background check to be performed on all licensees every six years.  If an updated fingerprint background check is required, you will be prompted to order a fingerprint card from the Board office to be completed and mailed according to the posted instructions.  Renewal will be processed when all other steps are complete; however, if your background check is not received in the Board office by September 30 of your renewal year, your license status will revert to Lapsed, and you will not be licensed to practice in Mississippi

8. Remit Renewal Fee(s)

Renewal payment can be made by credit card, electronic check, or mailing a check or money order to the Board office. Please note:

  • If you choose to mail in check or money order, it must be received by the renewal deadline, to avoid $100 reapplication fee.
  • If you use the online payment there will be a nominal fee. Click Continue to be taken to the shopping cart. Check the licensee renewal amount and then click Next to continue to the online payment system. Online renewal payment must be processed by the renewal deadline to avoid a $100 reapplication fee.
  • Renewal Receipt

9.  Your renewal will be reviewed by Board staff for completeness and compliance with renewal requirements. The Renewal Certificate and Wallet Card will not be mailed unless you request one through the online payment tab of your profile. You may print the Renewal Certificate and Wallet Card from your profile. Your License status will display ACTIVE. 

Are you ready to renew your license?  YES

Non-Practicing Status:

Licensees may renew their license without completing continuing education. Non-practicing status does not allow for individuals to promote himself/herself as
a Licensed Professional Counselor, practice Counseling/Psychotherapy, provide Group or Individual Supervision, provide Distance Professional Services, or bill for
Counseling/Psychotherapy services.

Non-Practicing: An LPC who is not currently practicing in the counseling field and/or does not plan to return to the counseling field in the foreseeable future.
1. Non-practicing licensees can retain the wall certificate.
2. Licensees must apply for non-practicing status at the time of renewal.
3. Non-practicing licensees must renew yearly.
4. Non-practicing licensees are not required to complete annual CEH to renew.
5. In order to return to practicing status, the licensee must pay the full licensing fee, complete the Mississippi Jurisprudence Exam within the past three hundred sixty-five (365) calendar days, show evidence of Twelve (12) Continuing Education Hours within the prior three hundred sixty-five (365) days, and complete a background check (if requested by the Board).

3. Request Verification of MS Professional Counselor License

The Board provides the service of verification of your license to other entities for a fee. You must submit payment before the Board will provide this verification that will include your Licensure status, Date of original license, and acknowledgement of any disciplinary action by the Board.  To order your license verification, Login to your profile and go to the Online Payments tab.


A digital verification is emailed directly from our office to the requested license board, Please provide the email address at the time of payment. Please note that digital verification is the preferred form of official license verification. If the state requires a form to be completed for the verification, you may upload the form at the time of payment.

4. Request MS Professional Counselor License File Transfer to Other Jurisdiction

The Board provides the service of transfer of your license file to other licensing boards for a fee. You must submit payment before the Board will provide this service that will include a copy of your license file (to include transcript(s), examination score report(s), and supervised experience verification form(s), along with a verification of your Licensure status, Date of original license, and acknowledgement of any disciplinary action by the Board. To order your File Transfer, Login to your profile and go to the Online Payments tab.

5. Continuing Education

The Board has partnered with CE Broker as our official CEH tracking system. 

Through this partnership, you have access to a variety of accounts, including a free version, with features to track your CE and help you stay in compliance with your unique requirements. 
Key benefits to a CE Broker account: 
  • Digital Tracking | Access your complete course history, store your certificates, and check your compliance status any time. 
  • Course Search | Find every course needed to successfully complete your license renewal requirements. 
  • Easy Reporting | Most education providers will automatically report course completions to CE Broker for you, but you can also easily self-report any missing credits by uploading your proof of completion.

How do I activate my free CE Broker account?

Activating your free Basic Account is a simple 3-step process.

  1. Go to
  2. Choose the account option that works best for you. For your free account, choose Basic Account.
  3. Enter your license number and answer a few simple questions, as prompted.

Once you have completed these steps you can start tracking and reporting your continuing education.

Update/Review Continuing Education Credit

  1. Account Plans:
  2. Course Search:

Activate your free Basic CE Broker Account, and have the most helpful CE tracking tools right at your fingertips. 

How do I self-report CE in my CE Broker account?

You can easily report CE from your CE Broker account by following these steps:

  1. Log into your CE Broker account.
  2. On your dashboard, click Report Hours.
  3. Choose the requirement you would like to report and click Begin next to it.
  4. Fill out some simple information, including number of hours completed.
  5. Attach your certificate of completion.

PRO TIP: You can also report your CE on the go using the CE Broker mobile apps, available for iPhone and Android.


Reported hours must have been obtained in the two-year time period since your last renewal date.

For LPC renewal:

  • 24 total Continuing Education Hours (CEH) hours are required, including,
  • 6 CEH in professional ethics or legal issues in the delivery of counseling services
  • 2 CEH in Telemental Health counseling if you are listed as a Distance Professional Services provider 

For LPC-S renewal, above requirements, plus

  • 1 CEH in supervision per year; a minimum of 2 hours per renewal period.
  • LPC-S renewal coincides with LPC renewal.


Refer to the Rules and Regulations – Rule 6.2.(C) – on other ways to receive CEH (i.e. coursework, Home Study, Presentations, Publishing, Counseling, Research, and/or Organizational and Regulatory)

NBCC Review form for non-pre-approved CEH 

ACEP Directory (Search for an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider)

6. Apply for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)

Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) is recognized by the Board as a person who has met the educational, examination, and experience requirements to become licensed. LPCs are licensed to provide professional counseling services independent of supervision in the state of Mississippi.  LPCs must complete continuing education requirements, pay applicable renewal fees, and submit a fingerprint background check when required to maintain an ACTIVE status license.

This designation shall mean and is restricted to any person who presents himself/herself to the public by any title or description of services incorporating the words licensed professional counselor or psychotherapist and who offers to render professional counseling or psychotherapy services to individuals, groups, or organizations, corporations, institutions, government agencies or the general public for a fee, monetary or otherwise, implying that he/she is licensed in Mississippi.

Individuals interested in pursuing an LPC license in Mississippi must meet the following:

Pre-Application Requirements:

  1. A qualified Master’s degree in Counseling.  –  60 semester-hours or 90 quarter-hours master’s degree in Counseling or degree program with the word counseling in the title. Rule 4.2.C outlines the full educational requirements (Rules and Regs 4.2.C) and the list of the 12 required courses.
  2. Completion of Supervised Experience Hours (Link to Rules and Regs 4.3.B.1)
  3. Passing Score on the National Counselor Exam (NCE) OR the National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Exam (NCMHCE).
  4. Select whether or not Active Military.

Please consider the four (4) licensure options below as you determine your next step to applying for licensure.

  • If you are currently licensed at the independent level in another state and have satisfied ALL of the above pre-application requirements, then you may apply for LICENSURE.
  • If you have satisfied ALL of the above pre-application requirements AND have maintained an active license in good standing, without complaints or disciplinary action, in another state for 5 continuous years, you may apply for COMITY.
  • If you have not completed your post- master’s supervised hours, you are NOT eligible for LPC licensure but may meet requirements for a PROVISIONAL Click here for more information on application for P-LPC.

Are you ready to APPLY for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)? (If Yes, see below)

Please read and print the corresponding instructions for the license type before initiating your online LPC application.  Review of these steps will greatly increase the ease of online application.

  • LICENSURE INSTRUCTIONS – Satisfied education, supervision and examination requirements. (Instructions PDF )
  • COMITY INSTRUCTIONS– Licensed in another state for 5 years and satisfied education, supervision and examination requirements (Comity Process)

When you have read and printed the Instructions for reference, click here to initiate your LPC Application

Instructions for Applying for Licensure – Print

  1. Create an online Profile by entering your Social Security Number and the code provided.
  2. Select the APPLY FOR LICENSURE option
  3. Select whether or not Active Military

Part 1 – Personal Information
Complete all blanks as applicable to you.  Note the following for successful application: 

  1. Complete the Name section taking care to use upper and lower -case letters, and your legal name as recognized by federal authorities. If your transcript and exam records are under another name, please note.
  2. Complete Address section with current information for receipt of documents mailed from the Board office. You will be able to update the address information if necessary.
  3. Email address and Password are required to log back in to your Profile. Secure these for future reference.
  4. Complete the exam results questions and order these results to be sent to the Board from NBCC. (Link to NBCC)
  5. Current “passport style photo” is required to be uploaded. Photo of head and shoulders only, color, no distracting background, professional look. Selfie photo with blank background is acceptable, provided the previous requirements are met.
  6. Only verified primary sourced graduate degree transcripts are necessary and considered for application.
  7. Fingerprint background check is required for application. You will order a fingerprint card from the Board when you pay your application fee at the end of the application process. A fingerprint card will be mailed to you along with instructions for processing.

Part 2 – Course Verification Review

  1. Complete the chart with coursework from your graduate program.
  2. Each applicant must have completed 3 semester-hours in each of the 12 areas for consideration for licensure.
  3. Order your official transcript to be sent to the Board office electronically via eScrip/Parchment at or mail to the Board office at the address below.

Part 3 – Supervised Experience

  1. Complete this section for each experience in which you obtained hours from a Supervisor that was approved by the Mississippi Board or another state’s licensure board. Each Supervisor listed must affirm your hours by electronic signature or by submitting the appropriate form. Mississippi LPC-S must complete the supervised verification Form B electronically and out-of-state LPC-S (or equivalent) must complete a paper supervision verification Form B found in the applicant’s “Print Forms” tab. (instructions for completion are provided on the form)

Part 4 – Personal and Licensure History

  1. Answer each of the questions honestly and substantiate “Yes” response if necessary. Be prepared to provide additional documentation.  A “Yes” answer does not mean certain denial; however, failure to disclose information will result in denial of application.
  2. “Return to Profile” will return you to the General Registration page allowing you to update and make changes.

Part 5 – Oath

  1. Affirm by checking the box that your statements are true and correct to the best of your knowledge.

Part 6 – Affidavit and Release

  1. Do NOT check this box if you have not completed all the previous parts of the application. You will not be able to perform any edits after you check the box.
  2. Continue to Payment if you are ready to initiate your application. Your application is not activated until payment is made.


  1. Check the box next to your application fee amount.
  2. Check the box for the required fingerprint background card to be mailed to the address you selected as your preferred address. Instructions for successful submission of the fingerprint card will be enclosed.

    Fingerprint Card for Background Check. Fingerprint card is requested when you remit Background Check Processing Fee of $50 through your application submission. The Board will mail you a customized card for you to submit to Mississippi Criminal Information Center. (MCIC) This fee is paid at the same time the application fee is remitted. Fingerprint cards cannot be requested outside of completion of application.

    Submit Fingerprint Card directly to MCIC. Fingerprint images must be submitted directly to the Mississippi Criminal Information Center on the customized card mailed to you. (Instructions will be included with the customized card.) Receipt of background check results from the MCIC is currently taken 4-6 weeks to be received in the Board office. For more precise time frame, check with MCIC.


    Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination

    Once application has been submitted and payment remitted, you will be able to register for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination through your profile on the App Info tab. You may upload passing scores on the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination. CCE Academy will provide the Board with an official score report.

Verification of Licensure in Other Jurisdiction (link to Form D) If you are currently licensed in another state, you must request a verification form be completed by all states in which you are currently licensed or have been licensed. You can find the form in your Print Forms tab of your profile.

File Transfer – You may request a copy of your original licensure file which includes supervision verification forms, transcript, and national exam scores. If the state will not forward a copy of your license file, then you must request the documentation to be sent directly to the MS LPC Board from source, as required. (i.e. Transcript from University, NCE/NCMHCE score report from NBCC, supervision verification forms (Form B) from qualified supervisors (LPC-S or equivalent))

Are you ready to apply for LicensureYes

    7. Apply for Licensed Professional Counselor - Supervisor - (LPC-S)

    8. Apply for Distance Professional Services Provider

    Distance professional services / telehealth involves the use of secure electronic communication in only synchronous methods such as telephone, chat, and video systems, to provide counseling services to individuals, couples, families or group members. Services provided by an LPC or a P-LPC in one location to a recipient of services in another location by means of secure electronic communication ensuring HIPAA compliance in synchronous methods and, as appropriate, verbal telephone communications. Asynchronous methods are not acceptable. Licensee must be licensed in location where providing services from and the location where the client is receiving services.

    Distance Professional Services must be performed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, the current American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, the current National Board for Certified Counselors Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services, and Mississippi and Federal law.

    The Board requires that LPC and LPC-S licensees who offer distance professional counseling services or supervision hold the required credential or show proof of completion of professional training according to Rule 7.5.


    1. Be an Active Status LPC in Mississippi
    2. Hold a license in good standing in the state where the recipient receives services
    3. Hold the  Board Certified TeleMental Health (BC-TMH) credential or its equivalent as recognized by the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc. (CCE) or the National Board of Certified Counselors OR completed professional training according to Rule 7.5. The professional training must be a minimum of nine (9) clock hours and must include the areas listed in Rule 7.5. Professional training can be gained by either: (1) Graduate-Level Academic Training (as documented on the syllabus) or (2) Continuing Education training course (as documented by certificate).
    4. Submit to the Board verification of credential or of completion of professional training in TeleMental Health counseling by uploading a copy of the credential certificate OR training certificate to your profile at the bottom right side of the General Registration tab.

    Refer to the links below for more information on distance professional counseling services.

    How to obtain the BC-TMH Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider.

    National Board For Certified Counselors (NBCC) Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services

    9. Jurisprudence No Fail Examination for Renewals (**This exam is for LPC Renewals only. This exam is not for license applicants.)

    The no fail Mississippi Jurisprudence exam is available from CCE Academy at  Select the LPC examination unless you are an LPC-S, then select the LPC-S examination. LPC will receive three (3) hours of ethics for Mississippi renewal. LPC-S will receive two (2) hours of ethics and one (1) hour of supervision for your Mississippi renewal. Submit the certificate of completion of the Mississippi Jurisprudence exam by clicking the CEH Reporting Tab in your Profile and selecting the Jurisprudence Exam for “activity type.” The appropriate number of ethics and supervision contact hours will be calculated.

    The “no fail” Mississippi Jurisprudence exam is designed with a pool of questions in which you must answer a minimum of thirty (thirty-five if you are an LPC-S) correctly. You cannot fail this exam. You will keep getting questions until you get the designated number correct.

    Steps to Access and Complete the Mississippi No Fail Jurisprudence Examination for Renewals will be available at a later date. It is currently under revision to reflect the Rules and Regulations effective January 1, 2023.

    Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors

    239 North Lamar Street
    Suite 402
    Jackson, MS 39201
    Office: 601 359-1010

    Copyright © 2025| Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors