Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (P-LPC)

Mississippi State Board of Examiners
for Licensed Professional Counselors 

License Info: 



LPC by Comity

LPC by Universal


Fee Schedule

Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (P-LPC)

This license is for individuals who have completed a qualified degree as outlined in Rule 4.2. and wish to offer professional counseling or psychotherapy services.  A P-LPC has a license to practice counseling in the state of Mississippi under the supervision of a Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S). A P-LPC may provide services to individuals, groups, organizations, corporations, institutions, government agencies or the general public for a fee, monetary or otherwise, implying that he or she is licensed.

Only a P-LPC practicing under the supervision of a MS LPC-S is allowed to count supervised experience toward becoming an LPC in Mississippi. A P-LPC cannot practice independently.

Once the supervised experience requirements are completed (Rules & Regs 4.3), a P-LPC can apply for full licensure as an LPC. The Board will review the completed supervised hours to determine eligibility for LPC.
Before applying for the P-LPC license, individuals must meet the following:

Pre-Application Requirements:

         – A qualified degree in Counseling as outlined in Rules & Regs 4.2.

If you have met the Pre-Application requirements and are ready to begin your online application, select the APPLY for Provisional-LPC (P-LPC) below. 

Apply for Provisional – LPC (P-LPC)

 Instructions for Applying for Provisional-LPC (P-LPC) – Print
Navigating the P-LPC Application Process – Step-by-Step Screenshots 

1. Verify that you have met the Pre-application requirements:

  • Obtained either a sixty (60) semester hours or ninety (90) quarter hours of graduate study. For degrees conferred after January 1, 2017, the Board will only accept sixty (60) semester hours or ninety (90) quarter-hour master’s degree programs. Those programs shall be either
    1. CACREP degree programs or degree programs with the word counseling in its title and meet the structure of CACREP as it specifically pertains to the twelve
    (12) courses specified, as part of sixty (60) semester hours or ninety (90) quarter hours that are required for completion of the degree or
    2. An earned doctoral or educational specialist degree primarily in a counseling, guidance, or related field, which meets similar standards as specified above.

2. Secure a Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S).
    Click here to find an LPC-S (How to begin supervision with an LPC-S)

3. Set up an Applicant Profile through the link provided at the bottom of these Instructions.  This will allow you to access to the  P-LPC Application and Supervisory Agreement. Remember your email and password for later access. Current “passport style photo” is required to be uploaded. Photo of head and shoulders only, color, no distracting background, professional look. Selfie photo with blank background is acceptable, provided the previous requirements are met.

4. Enter into a Supervisory Agreement with a Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S).  Login to your new profile by using the email address and password you created. Select the App Info tab and scroll to Part III to complete the Post-Grad Supervisory Agreement. This online form uses electronic signatures between you and your supervisor to complete the agreement. The Supervisory Agreement will remain “pending” until you upload the Supervision Contract (Step #5) and the Declaration of Practice (Step #6) and the LPC-S concurs.

5. Upload Supervision Contract to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. Contract is obtained from LPC-S and signed by you and your LPC-S.

6. Upload Declaration of Practices to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. It must be reviewed and approved by your LPC-S. Sample Declaration of Practices available here. (Video Overview)

7. Complete P-LPC Application. Available to you after you have completed steps 1 – 6 above and your LPC-S has reviewed the Supervisory Agreement and Declaration of Practice and concurred.  Login to Profile and select App Info tab.

8. Remit P-LPC Application Fee. Upon completion of Steps 1- 7 you will be directed to pay the Application Fee through your Application Profile.

9. Request Transcript.  Request Official Transcript(s) from an approved educational institution verifying educational qualifications.  Only the graduate-level transcripts are required. The official transcript(s) should be sent directly to the Board via eScrip to or mailed to the Board sealed in an envelope and signed or stamped across the envelope’s seal by the transcript clerk issuing the document to the applicant at the address found in the Board Information tab.

10. Fingerprint Card for Background Check.  Fingerprint card is requested when you submit your application and remit the application fee and the Background Check Processing Fee of $50 through your application submission. The Board will mail you a customized card for you to submit to Mississippi Criminal Information Center  (MCIC). This fee is paid at the same time the application fee is remitted. Fingerprint cards cannot be requested outside of completion of application.

11. Submit Fingerprint Card directly to MCIC.  Fingerprint images must be submitted directly to the Mississippi Criminal Information Center on the customized card mailed to you. (Instructions will be included with the customized card.) Receipt of background check results from the MCIC is currently taken 4-6 weeks to be received in the Board office. For more precise time frame, check with MCIC.

12. Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination. Once you have submitted the P-LPC Application and remitted the Application fees, you will have access to register for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination in your profile in the App Info tab. (See Licensure Exams section below for more details.) You may upload passing scores on the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination. CCE Academy will provide the Board with an official score report.

 Are you ready to begin the P-LPC process?   Yes (Click Here To Create New Login)

Managing your P-LPC License

Supervision Hours

P-LPCs can only offer counseling services while under contract with an LPC-S. This contract allows you to report your experience hours online through your Profile in the Supervision Reporting Log.** When you have accrued the supervised hours required you may apply for your LPC. Remember that Provisional licensees must remain under the active supervision of a Board-Approved Supervisor until he/she is independently licensed. How to report supervised experience        

**Failure to report supervised experience in the online reporting log in a timely manner WILL result in the forfeiture of the non-reported hours.

How your LPC-S reports supervised experience/Form B

Changing site or setting / How to switch supervisors. How to switch sites./ How to add new site or setting

P-LPCs may change site or setting for supervised experience by entering into a new online Post-Graduate Supervision Agreement, Uploading a new Declaration of Practice for the new setting, and Uploading contract. The LPC-S reviews and concurs the new Post-Graduate Supervision Agreement. The LPC-S must “complete” or end the agreement for the previous site. The LPC-S may then “prepare Form B” to verify the supervision hours for the previous site.

Steps to change site/setting:

  • LPC-S for that site must click on the “agreement complete” button, then enter the date agreement ended, reason for ending agreement, check box if supervisee will remain under supervision with that LPC-S or do not check the box if supervisee will not remain under supervision with that LPC-S, then click on the “Yes” button to continue with ending that agreement.
  • LPC-S will be taken to a screen to “update completed hours”. The completed hours must be entered into the box to match the supervision reporting logs, the LPC-S must click on the “update” button. P-LPC should not “update completed hours”. This step is for the LPC-S.
  • LPC-S is then taken to the Post-Master’s Supervision Verification, Form B, and must enter detailed description of practice supervised, check the appropriate button for recommendation/verification, click on the box to certify the information is true and complete, then click on “Save Form”. The “Save Form” submits the verification Form B electronically to the P-LPC’s online application.

Steps to add new site/setting:

  • Enter into a Supervisory Agreement with a Mississippi Licensed Professional Counselor – Supervisor (LPC-S).  Login to your profile by using the email address and password you created. Select the App Info tab and scroll to Part III to complete the Post-Grad Supervisory Agreement. This online form uses electronic signatures between you and your supervisor to complete the agreement.
  • Upload Supervision Contract to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. Contract is obtained from LPC-S and signed by you and your LPC-S.
  • Upload Declaration of Practices to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. It must be reviewed and approved by your LPC-S. Sample Declaration of Practices available here.
  • Once LPC-S has approved and concurred with new Supervisory Agreement, you may continue with with supervised experience. If the Board office finds the Declaration of Practice or Contract needs any revisions, you will be advised but this will not hinder your reporting.
  • You MUST report supervised experience in a timely manner. Failure to do so WILL result in the forfeiture of the non-reported hours.

A detailed PowerPoint in the “managing supervisees” tab on the “I’m A ….LPC-S” page.  

Apply for LPC from P-LPC

An active P-LPC may apply for LPC when completed with supervised experience and official score reports for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination and the NCE or the NCMHCE have been received. An “Apply for LPC” button will be available in your profile, to the right of your photo on the General Registration tab (if not, contact the Board office at You and your LPC-Supervisor will complete the steps outlined here and submit verification form(s). The Board will review. If approved, you will be instructed via email on the final step(s) to take before LPC will be issued.

Your application for licensure is active for one year from date LPC application was received in Board office. After that date, you must pay a yearly “Re-Application Fee” to keep your application active another year. Incomplete applications are valid for up to two (2) years, after that the application file becomes null and is destroyed.

***As a P-LPC, you must continue to renew your P-LPC license until your LPC has been issued.  You must also remain under supervision until LPC is issued and you must report the supervision in the same reporting log used for reporting experience with the current supervisor.

Continuing Education

The Board requires P-LPC to complete 6 hours of CEHs during the renewal period. Of these six (6) hours, two (2) must be Ethics training and one (1) must be in Telemental Health counseling if you are listed as a Distance Professional Services provider. These continuing education hours are included as part of the continuing education requirements for renewal.

The Mississippi Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors is now using CE Broker as our official continuing education tracking system. Licensees are strongly encouraged to use this platform for tracking and reporting CE. 
Through this partnership, you have access to a variety of accounts, including a free version, with features to track your CE and help you stay in compliance with your unique requirements. 

Activate your free Basic CE Broker Account, and have the most helpful CE tracking tools right at your fingertips. 


Using CE Broker to check CEH compliance

How do I activate my free CE Broker account?
Activating your free Basic Account is a simple 3-step process.

  1. Go to 
  2. Choose the account option that works best for you. For your free account, choose Basic Account.
  3. Enter your license number and answer a few simple questions, as prompted.

Once you have completed these steps you can start tracking and reporting your continuing education.

How do I check my compliance in my CE Broker account?

You can check your compliance status in your CE Broker account at any time. Simply log into
your CE Broker account and you will be directed to your user dashboard.

At the top of your user dashboard you will see the words “Complete” or “Incomplete”
indicating whether or not you have completed and reported all of your renewal requirements
for the current renewal cycle.

How do I self-report CE in my CE Broker account?

You can easily report CE from your CE Broker account by following these steps:

  1. Log into your CE Broker account.
  2. On your dashboard, click Report Hours.
  3. Choose the requirement you would like to report and click Begin next to it.
  4. Fill out some simple information, including number of hours completed.
  5. Attach your certificate of completion.

PRO TIP: You can also report your CE on the go using the CE Broker mobile apps, available for iPhone and Android.


Refer to the Rules and Regulations – Rule 6.2.(C) – on other ways to receive CEH (i.e. coursework, Home Study, Presentations, Publishing, Counseling, Research, and/or Organizational and Regulatory)

NBCC Review form for non-pre-approved CEH

ACEP Directory

NBCC – Earn Continuing Education 

Provisional Licensees are required to renew their licenses in order to maintain the right to practice. Renewal includes documenting CEHs (6 hours, including 2 Ethics hours); verification of Profile information; answering personal history questions; and payment of renewal fee.

Renewals notices will be emailed to P-LPCs and payment can be performed online by credit card or electronic check, or by mailing a check or money order to the Board office.  Online process is easy to use and renewal is complete when payment is processed. 

P-LPCs will report their current totals of continuing education hours from their CE Broker account in their MS Board P-LPC Profile during the renewal period of May 1 – June 30. Detailed instructions will be available here once renewals are open.

When logged into your Profile you can:

  • Update your contact information
  • Change your Profile picture (upload instructions)
  • Review license status
  • Order replacement certificates when damaged, lost, or name changed If you need a replacement certificate due to name change or damaged or lost certificate, you may request replacement of your MS Professional Counselor License through the Online Payment tab in your profile. There is a $30 fee for replacement wall certificate.
  • Order verification of license to be sent to other entities If you are a MS P-LPC or LPC or have been in the past, you may request verification of your MS Professional Counselor License through the Online Payment tab in your profile. There is a $25 fee for the verification to be sent to another state licensing Board.
  • Request License File Transfer to Other Jurisdiction
  • Submit your CEH totals from CE Broker on the CEH Reporting Tab when renewals open May 1 (details to follow)
  • Renew your license
  • Make secure online payments

Instructions on how to renew online 

P-LPC Renewal Process for 2024.  The 2025 renewal process will be updated by May 1, 2025.

P-LPC Renewal Instructions years prior to 2024.  The 2025 renewal process will be updated by May 1, 2025.

Licensure Exams

  1. Mississippi Pass/Fall Jurisprudence Examination and
  2. Either the National Counseling Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE).
    1. Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination The Mississippi Pass/Fall Jurisprudence Examination is for all Mississippi license applicants. This exam is “open book”. You can use printed copies of the Mississippi Rules and Regulations and the ethical codes of the American Counseling Association (ACA) while taking the exam.

    While taking the examination, you are encouraged to refer to the Mississippi Rules and Regulations and the ethical codes of the American Counseling Association (ACA). You are required to answer all 35 multiple choice questions. You must correctly answer a minimum of 80 percent of the questions to successfully pass the examination.

    You will have 60 minutes to complete the examination. If you do not complete the examination in the time allowed, or fail the examination, you will have to wait 30 days to purchase and take the examination again. You will receive your scores by email. Official scores will be provided to the Board.

    The examination is administered through CCE Academy. Registration is available after a P-LPC or LPC application is submitted and application fees are remitted in the Applicant’s profile on the App Info tab. The first time you click the exam link you will be required to create a username and password as a First-Time Visitor. If you need to take the exam more than once to pass, you will need your username and password to login as a Returning Visitor.

    1. Either the National Counseling Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE)
    • Individuals may take the NCE or NCMHCE without Board approval after P-LPC has been issued and before applying for LPC.
    • The examination is administered by the NBCC. The Applicant is responsible for all fees associated with the examination.
    • If an individual has already taken either exam prior to applying (whether through their CACREP program or through licensure in another state) it is not necessary to take again, simply order the official score report from NBCC/CCE.

    National Counselor Exam (NCE)

    To obtain the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), individuals may present a passing score on the National Counselor Exam (NCE).  Individuals register here to take the NCE through the National Board for Certified Counselors without Board approval. (RegisterYou may register to take the exam at any Pearson VUE site or through OnVUE, a new online administration option.  You now have the choice to take the NCE online from the privacy of your home through the OnVUE platform or in person at a Pearson VUE test center. The OnVue platform is only available for the National Counselor Examination (NCE) and you will only be able to take the OnVue format one time. The information found here is designed to assist you in choosing the option that best suits your needs and will allow you to have the best possible testing experience.

    NCE State Candidate Handbook

    National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam (NCMHCE)
    To obtain the Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), individuals may present a passing score on the National Clinical Mental Health Exam (NCMHCE).  Individuals may register to take the NCMHCE without Board approval.  Individuals register here to take the NCMHCE through the National Board for Certified Counselors without Board approval. (Register

    An active P-LPC must be complete with supervised experience to apply to obtain a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). An “Apply for LPC” button will be available in your profile (if not, contact the Board office at You and your LPC-Supervisor will complete steps outlined here and submit verification form(s). Receipt of passing score report on either the NCE or the NCMHCE, in addition to the passing score report on the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination, is required before the Board will review your application for LPC.

    Once approved after review, you will be notified by email on the final steps you need to take before LPC will be issued.

    NCMHCE State Candidate Handbook

    Request Verification of MS Professional Counselor License

    The Board provides the service of verification of your license to other entities for a fee. You must submit payment before the Board will provide this verification that will include your Licensure status, Date of original license, and acknowledgement of any disciplinary action by the Board.  To order your license verification, Login to your profile and go to the Online Payments tab. 

    Apply for LPC

    How to apply for LPC after completing supervised experience

    Once you are finished with your supervised experience, you must apply for LPC. If you have not already taken the National Counselor Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Exam (NCMHCE) and passed, you must successfully pass either of the examinations and submit passing score report to the Board. The Board will review your application, supervision verification form(s), and examination score report(s).

    If your P-LPC was issued prior to 01/01/2023 Rules and Regulations Revisions, you were emailed details regarding the revisions and your need to take the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination prior to applying for LPC. 

    As a P-LPC, you must continue to renew your P-LPC license until your LPC has been issued.  You must also remain under supervision until LPC is issued and report the supervision in the same reporting log used for reporting experience with the current supervisor.

    Steps to apply for LPC:

    • Apply for LPC – when you have met the minimum total hours and individual supervision hours in the online reporting logs, a “Apply of LPC” button will appear in the top right side of your online profile on the General Registration tab. Click the Apply for LPC button and follow the prompts on the screen to the payment window and remit the $50 application fee.
    • Update Completed Hours – Verify all hours have been reported in the online supervision log and the supervisor has approved all reported hours. Then click on the “update completed hours” button in the post-master’s agreement(s) and enter the hours to match the online log hours recorded in red.
    • Prepare Form B – Your supervisor(s) will need to prepare the electronic Supervision Verification Form B and submit to the board for review. How your LPC-S reports supervised experience/Form B
    • For P-LPC with license issue date prior to 01/01/2023 Rules and Regulations Revisions, you must take and pass the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination prior to applying for LPC.  Official scores will be provided to the Board.
    • Board Review – The Board reviews the verification forms. If all required documents for LPC are found to be acceptable, the Board approves you for licensure.  If approved, you will be notified by email on the final steps you need to take before LPC will be issued.

    How to continue LPC application:

    The application process for licensure must be completed within one (1) year of the Board’s receipt of the individual’s application. An individual who has not completed the application process within the one (1) year must pay a Reapplication Fee in order to reactivate the application. The Reapplication Fee is due by the end of one (1) year of the original application date, which extends the application process for an additional one (1) year. If an Applicant does not complete the application process within the additional year, the application will become void. Incomplete applications that have not been kept current will be kept on file for two (2) years, after which time they will be destroyed.

    To continue with the application process (extend the expiration date another year from expiration date), you will need to remit reapplication fee in the online payments tab of your profile in the red outlined box.

    A P-LPC shall be renewable for not more than four (4) years.

    Request MS Professional Counselor License File Transfer to Other Jurisdiction

    The Board provides the service of transfer of your license file to other licensing boards for a fee. You must submit payment before the Board will provide this service that will include a copy of your license file (to include transcript(s), examination score report(s), and supervised experience verification form(s), along with a verification of your Licensure status, Date of original license, and acknowledgement of any disciplinary action by the Board. To order your File Transfer, Login to your profile and go to the Online Payments tab.

    Apply for Distance Professional Services Provider

    Distance professional services / telehealth involves the use of secure electronic communication in either asynchronous methods including email and social network systems or synchronous methods such as telephone, chat, and video systems, to provide counseling services to individuals, couples, families or group members. Distance Professional Services must be performed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations, the current American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics, the current National Board for Certified Counselors Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services, and Mississippi and Federal law.

    The Board requires that LPC and LPC-S licensees who offer distance professional counseling services or supervision hold the required credential or show proof of completion of professional training according to Rule 7.5.


    1. Be a practicing P-LPC, LPC, or LPC-S in Mississippi.
    2. Hold a license in good standing in both the location where services are provided by the professional as well as in the location of the recipient of the services
    3. Hold the  Board Certified TeleMental Health (BC-TMH) credential or its equivalent as recognized by the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc. (CCE) or the National Board of Certified Counselors OR completed professional training according to Rule 7.5. The professional training must be a minimum of nine (9) clock hours and must include the areas listed in Rule 7.5. Professional training can be gained by either: (1) Graduate-Level Academic Training (as documented on the syllabus) or (2) Continuing Education training course (as documented by certificate).
    4. Submit to the Board verification of credential or of completion of professional training in TeleMental Health counseling by uploading a copy of the credential certificate OR training certificate to your profile at the bottom right side of the General Registration tab.

    Refer to the links below for more information on distance professional counseling services.

    How to obtain the BC-TMH Board Certified-TeleMental Health Provider.

    National Board For Certified Counselors (NBCC) Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services

    Frequently Asked Questions – P-LPC

    1.   I am currently a graduate student, do you have any information on the licensure process for me?

    2.  How do I know if the Board has received my supporting documents?

    • Login to your Profile and select the App Info tab. The date of receipt of transcripts, exam scores and background check is posted in the tracking section at the top of this section.

    3. When can I start logging hours?

    • In order to begin logging hours, all P-LPC applicants must have a completed application submitted, reviewed by the Board, approved by the Board, and a P-LPC number issued.

    4. Do I have to take the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Exam if I already have a passing score report for the National Counselor Exam or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Exam?

    • Yes. All P-LPC Applicants must also have a passing score report for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Exam.

    5. When do I take the NCE or the NCMHCE?

    • Either the National Counseling Exam (NCE) or the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE) may be taken at any time.
    • Individuals may take the NCE or NCMHCE without Board approval.
    • The examination is administered by the NBCC. The Applicant is responsible for all fees associated with the examination. Go to the Licensure Exams section above for more details on registration.

    6. If I have already taken and passed the NCE or the NCCMHCE must I take the exam again after I complete my supervision hours?

    • No, you do not have to retake the NCE or the NCMHCE; however, you must have a passing score report on file with The Board.

    7. Can I provide Distance Professional Services with a P-LPC?

    • P-LPCs can practice TeleMental Health counseling with the approval from his/her LPC-S, who must be designated by the Board to be a Distance Professional Services provider. P-LPCs must also be designated as a Distance Professional Services Provider.

    8. How long do I have to complete the application process for P-LPC?

    • Your P-LPC application is active for one calendar year from the date of payment. After this date, you must pay a Reapplication Fee to reactivate your application and continue the application process. Any applicant who does not complete the application process within the one calendar year from the date the application was received by the office of the Mississippi State Board of Examiners for LPC must pay a Reapplication Fee to continue the application process in order to reactivate file for an additional one (1) year. If an applicant does not complete the application process within the additional one calendar year, the application will become void.

    9. Can a P-LPC file insurance?

    • Third party reimbursement is dependent on the contract between the provider and the third party.

    10. What are my options if my master’s degree program was less than 60 hours?

    • The Board will consider your application for P-LPC if you complete another 60 hour degree program or complete an advanced degree, e.g. Doctorate or Specialist.

    11. Can I open my own practice with a P-LPC?

    • No.  You cannot engage in independent private practice as a P-LPC. For sites of practice other than governed by either federal, state, county, or municipality, the P-LPC may practice under the supervision of an LPC-S as long as an LPC or an individual licensed to provide psychotherapy services independently in Mississippi is available on the premises. In such case, the affiliation between the P-LPC and the on-site licensed provider must be documented in the Declaration of Practice. Proof of his/her/their licensure (such as copy/photo of license, wall certificate, or online verification) must be submitted to the Board with the Declaration of Practice. The LPC-S is responsible for verifying the independent practice setting and the onsite licensed practitioner. 

    12. If my P-LPC was issued prior to the Rules and Regulations January 1, 2023, revisions, do I have to take the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination?

    • Yes. Mississippi requires two (2) exams for LPC licensure. All P-LPCs must have a passing score report for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination AND either the National Counselor Exam or the National Clinical Mental Health Exam.

    13. If I applied before September 30, 2018, and did not take the National Counselor Exam prior to applying for P-LPC, do I have to have passing score report on two (2) exams?

    • Yes. Mississippi requires two (2) exams for LPC licensure. All P-LPCs must have a passing score report for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination AND either the National Counselor Exam or the National Clinical Mental Health Exam.

    14.  If I am a P-LPC and have already taken the National Counseling Exam (NCE), finished my supervised experience, applied for LPC, and have been approved to take the NCMHCE, do I still have to take the NCMHCE or can I simply register for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Examination?

    If you have already taken the NCE, please confirm receipt of the score report in your online profile in the Tracking Information of the App Info tab. If you have taken the NCE and the score report receipt date is not posted, you will need to request the passing score report from the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC). Meanwhile, current P-LPC may register for the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination at anytime.  Once you have taken the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination and the Board receives the official score report from CCE, you will be notified of the final steps you need to take before LPC will be issued. Your application is not required to go back before the LPC Board IF your LPC Application was already reviewed and approved by the Board pending receipt of the NCMHCE results. You must, however, have the Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Exam and either the NCE or the NCMHCE on file with the Board.

    15. How do I take the Mississippi Pass/Fail Jurisprudence Examination?

    Please refer to the Board’s website “Apply for LPC” of “Licensure Exams” for details on the examination and registration process before contacting the MS LPC Board. If you have questions about using the CCE website, please contact CCE.


    Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors

    239 North Lamar Street
    Suite 402
    Jackson, MS 39201
    Office: 601 359-1010

    Copyright © 2025| Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors